About Our School
What Makes Us Special
En Davis celebramos la diversidad con un enfoque de atracción que provee un curriculo bilingüe que enfatiza la belleza en todas las culturas, y crea conciencia sobre la justicia social a través de temas diversos. Las clases de especialistas de Música, Arte, Educación Física, y Biblioteca apoyan el aprendizaje del idioma a través de actividades concretas. Los maestros enriquecen el curriculo incorporando actividades del jardín y lecciones sobre el sistema de aquaponia.
Los invitamos a nuestra escuela, donde pueden observar un ambiente que apoya el desarrollo académico y emocional de los estudiantes. En Davis, creamos comunidad.
"Nuestra Escuela es Su Escuela"
At Davis we celebrate diversity, with a Magnet focus that provides children with a bilingual curriculum and emphasizes the beauty of diverse cultures as well as an awareness of social justice themes. The specialists' classes of Music, Art, P.E., and Library support language learning through a hands-on curriculum. Teachers enrich the curriculum by incorporating the school's garden and aquaponics system into teaching units so that learning takes place inside and outside classrooms.
We cordially invite you to visit and observe Davis' nurturing environment which is focused on supporting academic and emotional growth in children. At Davis we are building community.
En Davis celebramos la diversidad con un enfoque de atracción que provee un curriculo bilingüe que enfatiza la belleza en todas las culturas, y crea conciencia sobre la justicia social a través de temas diversos. Las clases de especialistas de Música, Arte, Educación Física, y Biblioteca apoyan el aprendizaje del idioma a través de actividades concretas. Los maestros enriquecen el curriculo incorporando actividades del jardín y lecciones sobre el sistema de aquaponia.
Los invitamos a nuestra escuela, donde pueden observar un ambiente que apoya el desarrollo académico y emocional de los estudiantes. En Davis, creamos comunidad.
"Nuestra Escuela es Su Escuela"
At Davis we celebrate diversity, with a Magnet focus that provides children with a bilingual curriculum and emphasizes the beauty of diverse cultures as well as an awareness of social justice themes. The specialists' classes of Music, Art, P.E., and Library support language learning through a hands-on curriculum. Teachers enrich the curriculum by incorporating the school's garden and aquaponics system into teaching units so that learning takes place inside and outside classrooms.
We cordially invite you to visit and observe Davis' nurturing environment which is focused on supporting academic and emotional growth in children. At Davis we are building community.
Bienvenidos a Davis
Davis History (pdf) La Historia de Davis (pdf)
Davis was established in 1901 at the northwest corner of Main and St. Mary’s and has been a vital part of Barrio Anita since it’s construction. In 1981, Davis became an official Bilingual School as part of Tucson Unified School District’s magnet/desegregation plan.
Today, we have around 300 students enrolled in our Dual Language / Spanish Immersion program. Our program is considered a 90/10 program, in which students in kindergarten and first grade are immersed in a classroom where 90% of the content is delivered in Spanish. The percentage of English increases at each grade level, eventually balancing out at 50/50 in fifth grade. We also have a strong focus on social justice, which includes a march to honor Cesar Chavez in Barrio Anita every March.
Davis boasts an amazing garden program and our garden includes an adobe oven, a chicken coop, many compost bins, several ramadas with rain water harvesting systems, and many grow beds for classes to use. Davis was also the recipient of a grant by the Community Food Bank, which gave us an amazing aquaponics system, located in our library.
We are also very fortunate to have our Specialists program, where students go to art, music and physical education classes every week for 40 minutes each. We also have a vibrant library program (including an aquaponics system!) and students go to the library weekly for lessons and book checkout.
We have a strong Mariachi program, led by our director Jaime Valenzuela, son of famed Alfredo Valenzuela, who began the program in 1981. Almost two-thirds of our students participate in our music program in our Extended Day Program and our performing Aguilitas group is comprised of 1st – 5th graders and has approximately 70 members.
Davis was established in 1901 at the northwest corner of Main and St. Mary’s and has been a vital part of Barrio Anita since it’s construction. In 1981, Davis became an official Bilingual School as part of Tucson Unified School District’s magnet/desegregation plan.
Today, we have around 300 students enrolled in our Dual Language / Spanish Immersion program. Our program is considered a 90/10 program, in which students in kindergarten and first grade are immersed in a classroom where 90% of the content is delivered in Spanish. The percentage of English increases at each grade level, eventually balancing out at 50/50 in fifth grade. We also have a strong focus on social justice, which includes a march to honor Cesar Chavez in Barrio Anita every March.
Davis boasts an amazing garden program and our garden includes an adobe oven, a chicken coop, many compost bins, several ramadas with rain water harvesting systems, and many grow beds for classes to use. Davis was also the recipient of a grant by the Community Food Bank, which gave us an amazing aquaponics system, located in our library.
We are also very fortunate to have our Specialists program, where students go to art, music and physical education classes every week for 40 minutes each. We also have a vibrant library program (including an aquaponics system!) and students go to the library weekly for lessons and book checkout.
We have a strong Mariachi program, led by our director Jaime Valenzuela, son of famed Alfredo Valenzuela, who began the program in 1981. Almost two-thirds of our students participate in our music program in our Extended Day Program and our performing Aguilitas group is comprised of 1st – 5th graders and has approximately 70 members.

Davis today